The International Study Trip
June 22 – 29, 2022



Payment option available

8 Day Trip

*Price is all inclusive minus airfare, travelers insurance and alcohol.

For the first time, the Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath, and Death ~ in collaboration with Be Humanitarian offers up an opportunity for both international travel and transformative experiential learning. Co-led by Wilka Roig, founder and president of Fundacion Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Mexico Centro, Tobie Spears, founder/director of Be Humanitarian and Amy Wright Glenn, founder/director of the Institute, participants will engage in group study and meaningful interactions with local birth and death workers.

Our mornings begin with meditation and gentle yoga practice. Our evenings are dedicated to the study and significance of birth and death practices specific to Guatemala.

Day excursions to cultural sites in Antigua, local markets, and Lake Atitlan are also central to our week-long adventure. We will also participate in the powerful breath of social justice work with regard to supporting Be Humanitarian’s educational and nutritional initiatives dedicated to lifting children out of poverty/malnutrition. Be Humanitarian provides thousands of meals a month to individuals living in San Andrés and participants will play an active role in supporting these efforts during part of their stay in Guatemala.

*Participants are asked to read The Guatemala Reader: History, Culture, Politics (The Latin America Readers) prior to our trip. 
Optional Payment Plan – 

9/1/2021 First Payment       $500.00

11/1/2021 Second Payment $500.00

2/1/2022 Third Payment     $500.00

4/1/2022 Fourth Payment  $500.00

Entire Trip must be paid in full by 5/29/22

(Deposits will be returned if the trip is canceled due to Covid travel restrictions)

Join Dawn Gaden, founder of Mind & Body Counseling & Coaching and
Tobie Spears, founder and director of Be Humanitarian for a week of transformative personal and professional learning in Guatemala.

Participants will engage in self-care practice, group study, service work, and meaningful interactions with as well as the practice of self-care and discovery through personal journal writing, meditation, yoga and group discussion. Three hours of contact time (zoom calls) occur before and after our 8 days together in Ireland.

Mornings in Guatemala will begin with intenSati, meditation, and/or yoga practice. Evenings are dedicated to allow time for us to come together for independent and group study. Day excursions to cultural sites, local markets, and natural wonders are central to our adventure. Participants will also engage with social justice work supporting Be Humanitarian’s nonprofit work at our preschool and nutritional projects, volunteering with kiddos, planting garden towers and supporting our community.
